Monday, December 10, 2018

Download Safety in Docks: Docks Regulations 1988 : Approved Code of Practice With Regulations and Guidance (Approved Codes of Practice) Pdf (By Health and Safety Executive (HSE))

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L148 Safety in Docks: Approved Code of Practice and guidance (ACOP) You will also need to refer to other ACOPs and Regulations for more Due to the number of different companies involved in docks activities, the management of health and safety requires good cooperation and coordination Safety in Docks and Outlying. Harbours (Jersey) Code Of Practice. Page 2 of 25. Issue 1. Contents. Introduction and Application . Terms used in regulations and ACOP/guidance 7. Managing for health and safety in docks 8. Legal duties for managing health and safety at Managing for health and safety in docks; Workplace transport; Working at The Management Regulations require employers to put in place Other legislation which may be applicable to Docks environment: Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 2013 (S.I. No. 572 of 2013) Code of Practice for Health and Safety in Dock Work. Docks COP Cover. Safe ports make for efficient ports which are well positioned to support Ireland's Hazards in Port and Dock Operations Information Sheet. It will be of assistance to employers when conducting a risk assessment of their or their employees' work activities in ports and docks. It will also be of interest to anyone who visits ports and docks during the course of their work. Included in the Code are sections on the health and safety legislation applicable to ports and docks, responsibilities of various parties within ports and docks, managing health and safety in ports, the general arrangements for port workplace safety, hazards on docks and hazards to shore workers on board ships. Set out the basic roles and responsibilities of those who have duties in relation to ensuring health and safety in port operations. This Code of Practice is for anyone directly involved in work activity in port and docks facilities, including: • Port employers, self-employed people and sub-contractors.

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